Volunteers and Volunteering – in Australien


War­bur­ton, Je­ni; Op­pen­hei­mer, Me­la­nie (Hrsg.), 2000

Vol­un­te­ers and volunteering.

Leich­hardt, The Fe­de­ra­ti­on Press

Each ye­ar, 2.6 mil­li­on Aus­tra­li­ans do­na­te over 434 mil­li­on hours of their time in vol­un­ta­ry work. This book ex­ami­nes cur­rent ro­les of vol­un­te­ers and the con­tri­bu­ti­on of vol­un­tee­ring to con­tem­pora­ry Aus­tra­li­an so­cie­ty, drawing on a wi­de ran­ge of ex­per­ti­se in or­der to pro­vi­de or­ga­ni­sa­ti­ons and po­li­cy ma­kers with in­for­ma­ti­on. (zit. Na­tio­nal Li­bra­ry of Aus­tra­lia)

|in Ber­lins Bi­blio­the­kenKOBV Berlin-Brandenburg

|aus dem In­halt: An Over­view of the Vol­un­ta­ry Princip­le in Aus­tra­lia – Midd­le Aus­tra­li­ans in the Grip of Eco­no­mic “Re­form” … Will They Vol­un­teer – Vol­un­teer Re­sour­ces – Australia’s High­ly Com­mit­ted Vol­un­te­ers – Mea­su­ring Vol­un­tee­ring in Eco­no­mic Terms – The De­fi­ni­ti­on and Princi­ples of Vol­un­tee­ring – Go­ver­ning the Se­ni­or Vol­un­teer in Aus­tra­lia, the USA and the Ne­ther­lands – In­vi­si­ble Sup­port – Wo­men, Vol­un­tee­ring and So­cial Ca­pi­tal – The Fu­ture of Vol­un­tee­ring as In­sti­tu­tio­na­li­sing Prac­ti­ce – The “Light and Dark” of Vol­un­tee­ring – The Fu­ture of Volunteering

Aus­tra­li­en | Frei­wil­li­ges En­ga­ge­ment | Me­di­en | Me­di­en 1990–2000
ak­tua­li­siert 09.2017