Volunteer economies. The politics and ethics of voluntary labour in Africa


Prince, Ruth; Brown, Han­nah (Hrsg.), 2016

Vol­un­teer eco­no­mies. The po­li­tics and ethics of vol­un­ta­ry la­bour in Africa.

Wood­bridge, Ja­mes Cur­rey
ISBN: 978–1‑84701–139‑8

Aus dem INHALT: The po­li­tics and ethics of vol­un­ta­ry la­bour in Af­ri­ca – Vol­un­teer ca­re­gi­ving and the HIV/AIDS epi­de­mic – The purcha­se of vol­un­tee­rism: Uses and me­a­nings of mo­ney – In­ter­na­tio­nal vo­lun­teers, de­ve­lo­p­ment and po­li­tics – Cli­ni­cal vol­un­teer tou­rism and hos­pi­tal hos­pi­ta­li­ty – Mo­ral com­ple­xi­ty and rhe­to­ri­cal sim­pli­ci­ty in “glo­bal he­alth” vol­un­tee­ring – Stu­dent vol­un­te­ers from an eli­te boar­ding school – Ebo­la and the vul­nerable vol­un­teer … und mehr ➟ boydellandbrewer.com/volunteer-economies.html

In BERLINER BIBLIOTHEKEN su­chen KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg

En­ga­ge­ment­for­schung | Me­di­en | Me­di­en 2016
ak­tua­li­siert 19.09.2016