Employee engagement in theory and practice


Truss, Ca­the­ri­ne; Al­fes, Kers­tin; Del­bridge, Rick; Shantz, Aman­da; Soa­ne, Em­ma (Hrsg.), 2014

Em­ployee en­ga­ge­ment in theo­ry and practice.

Abing­don, Rout­ledge
ISBN: 9780415657419

In re­cent ye­ars the­re has be­en a weight of evi­dence sug­ges­ting that en­ga­ge­ment has a si­gni­fi­cant­ly po­si­ti­ve im­pact on pro­duc­ti­vi­ty, per­for­mance and or­ga­ni­sa­tio­nal ad­vo­cacy, as well as in­di­vi­du­al well­being, and a si­gni­fi­cant­ly ne­ga­ti­ve im­pact on in­tent to quit and absen­te­eism from the work place. This com­pre­hen­si­ve new book is uni­que as it brings tog­e­ther, for the first time, psy­cho­lo­gi­cal and cri­ti­cal HRM per­spec­ti­ves on en­ga­ge­ment as well as their prac­ti­cal application.

Zum INHALT ➟ Ver­lag

Wei­te­re INFORMATIONEN ➟ Rout­ledge

In BERLINER BIBLIOTHEKEN su­chen KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg

Cor­po­ra­te Vol­un­tee­ring | Me­di­en | Me­di­en 2016
Handapparat(e): En­ga­gier­te Un­ter­neh­men. Cor­po­ra­te Vol­un­tee­ring
ak­tua­li­siert 08.12.2016