Leben in Flüchtlingslagern in Berlin: Situation und Erfahrungen von Frauen

Dil­ger, Hans­jörg; Drohn, Kris­ti­na (Hrsg), 2016: Li­ving in Re­fu­gee Camps in Ber­lin. Women’s Per­spec­ti­ves and Ex­pe­rien­ces. Ber­lin, Wei­ßen­see Verlag

En­ga­ging An­thro­po­lo­gy in the “Re­fu­gee Cri­sis” in Ber­lin – The Need for New Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons in Tea­ching and Re­se­arch | On the Si­tua­ti­on of Wo­men* in Re­fu­gee Camps in Ber­lin | “Wai­t­ing kills me” – Life in a Fac­to­ry Buil­ding | “On­ly ea­ting and slee­ping” – A Gym as a Shel­ter | “How Can So­meo­ne Judge You and Your Si­tua­ti­on?” Ex­pe­ri­en­ces from a Cen­tral­ly Lo­ca­ted Ac­com­mo­da­ti­on Cen­ter | “We Want to Build Our Fu­ture He­re in Ger­ma­ny” – Lon­ging for Self-De­ter­mi­na­ti­on in an Emer­gen­cy Camp | “Star­ting Be­low Ze­ro” in a Non-Cen­tral­ly Lo­ca­ted Ac­com­mo­da­ti­on Cen­ter | Con­clu­si­on: Re­com­men­da­ti­ons to Im­pro­ve the Li­ving Con­di­ti­ons of Wo­men* in Re­fu­gee Camps in Berlin